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Discover Warren KEATING



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Internationally-exhibited and collected Artist Warren Keating is a painter who has based his popular over- head series on images from digital video. The result brings together the perspective of the camera with the nuanced control of light and color that can only hap- pen with brush on canvas. Somewhere on a bridge or a hotel balcony, you’ll find the award-winning Artist capturing video of unsuspecting figures walking be- low. Later, in his studio in Santa Fe, you can find him pouring through frame after frame of the footage to find the perfect moment of weight shift, swing of the arm or tilt of the head, which he feverishly paints, covering large canvases with expressive paint. His abstract views of walking figures invite you to gain a new perspective and find poetry in the everyday, while his signature “Pixel Impressionism” brush strokes create the motion of these split-second moments and communicate Keating’s passion for the subject.

  • Nationally Known

  • International Exposure

  • Prizewinner

  • Press article

  • Born Date: 1965

  • United States

Artist Collections

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