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Discover Tashfeen RIZWAN

Tashfeen RIZWAN

Tashfeen RIZWAN

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Born in Larkana in 1977, my art career began on December 11, 1999, and continued until 2015 as an Art curator at Mother Gallery in Larkana. In 2021, I transitioned to painting. I identify as an expressionist, and my Art is predominantly influenced by fauvism and cubism. I work on portraits, using oil pastels, paints, canvas, and paper as my primary mediums. My larger paintings, such as the one completed in October 2023, measure 6.1 x 3.6 feet and are executed in oil on canvas. The average size of my work is 50x70cm on paper, where I predominantly use oil pastels and oil paints.

  • Born Date: 1977

  • Pakistan

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