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Discover Sandrine LANGLADE



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Born in La Réunion, Sandrine Langlade took her first painting course at the Jardin d'Eden at 6. In 2004-2005, she spent a year in Brazil, where she exhibited her paintings for the first time at the MARGS café - Musée d'Art du Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre. She was 21, sold She then made herself 2 promises: to finish her studies in Paris (where she obtained a double Master's degree from La Sorbonne and Sciences Po in 2008) and one day to become a full-time painter. In 2009 she began exhibiting in Paris and, one thing led to another, she took part in her first international exhibition in 2016 in Barcelona (Spain). In 2017, she opened her studio in The Hague (Netherlands). She extended her scope internationally, exhibiting in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, and Colombia... and participating in renowned contemporary art fairs in the United States: Art Expo NewYork in 2018, Spectrum Miami in 2017, and 2019. In 2018 in Italy, she won 2 international art prizes: the Tribute to Tiziano in Venice and the Leonardo da Vinci in Florence. In 2019 in the United States, she created a live painting at the Spectrum Miami contemporary art fair. A week later, in La Réunion, she won the public prize at the MIA-RUN art show organized by ARPAC. Sandrine Langlade is married and has two children. Recently settled in Bordeaux, where her studio is located, she continues to exhibit regularly in Europe, the United States, and Latin America.

  • Born Date: 1983

  • France

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