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Discover Roberta FOFFO

Roberta FOFFO

Roberta FOFFO

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Roberta Foffo is a contemporary Artist born in Rome in 1980. Since her young age, she expressed an interest in Art and always love creating. In 2018 she graduated from the Mastery Program at Milan Art Institute. Since her graduation, she’s been creating Art and selling to collectors all around the world. Roberta uses her specific aesthetic for her paintings which derives from her fascination of the beauty of women and the power she believes they have “I paint personalities with a character that radiate a special presence and inner power'' With her colorful, daring, and impactful paintings, she wants to inspire the viewer to seek exploration, self-discovery and experience new things. Through her process she incorporates a mixed media technique from acrylic, spray paint, collage, and mark-making, to juicy oils, exploring shape, color, and texture working layer after layer. By achieving these abstract realistic creations she strives to depict women untied from social constraints, free and proud to be who they really are. Roberta's Art is inspired by her feelings and experiences, her travels, and the feminine beauty. Roberta works and lives in Rome and her studio is in the very heart of her home where is constantly expressing her sense of freedom on canvas living her dream.

  • Born Date: 1980

  • Italy

Artist Collections

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