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Discover Mark ASHTON VEY



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Grew up in the Scottish countryside of Sterlingshire. At a very young age, he shows a talent for drawing and music. His passion for music soon predominated and he played in a band which opened for acts such as The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and The Yardbirds, at this time he began writing music. Mark Ashotn Vey moved to London. By his musical name of Mark Ashton, he joined a band called Rare Bird and their first single "Sympathy" became an international hit record. He later moved to New York and Los Angeles to pursue a solo recording career, and Vey rediscovered his love of painting. It was the perfect complement; exposing while composing. Recording up to 7 LP's, Mark travelled around the world and lived in many places that inspired his creations. Vey exhibited in New York, London, Barcelona, St. Tropez, Aix-An Provence, Nice, Hambourg etc. His paintings are on permanent display in various galleries around the world.

  • Born Date: 1949

  • Scotland

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