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Discover Gautier CAILLE

Gautier CAILLE

Gautier CAILLE

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Gautier Caille is a Swiss artist from street art. Fascinated by the work of Jonone, Futura and Dize, great graphic designers from the 1980s to the 2000s, he bought his first aerosols at the age of 14 and went underground to color and enhance surfaces. Today, his creation is based on the destruction, reconstruction and mixing of luxury icons in order to underline their fragility and the ephemeral without ever tumbling down the slope of moralizing discourse. On the contrary, he pushes the viewer to question the meaning of luxury by creating in his works a palpable tension between fascination and rejection, a great sense of aesthetics and violence. His still lifes, very accomplished and neat on the plastic level, are like inert utopias of luxury.

  • Born Date: 1989

  • Switzerland

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