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Discover Chantal HEDIGER



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"I hope that when you encounter my work, your world will stop for a moment and you will find yourself in these stories. Chantal Hediger got to know her creative inclinations better through earlier stages of her life (model, TV presenter, actress), which led her to deepen her painting. Her self-taught creation has led her, since 1992, from pure abstraction to figuration, and then to a fusion of both sides. Her training as an Art Therapist ED, specializing in painting and plastic Arts, and regular seminars, complete her artistic studies. Chantal Hediger is a teacher and mentor for Artists. Since 2002, her unique pieces are represented in exhibitions and art fairs in Switzerland and abroad as well as in a collection of the Marlene Yu Museum (USA). In her works, she explores the theme of the human being and launches art as an encounter with oneself.

  • Nationally Known

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  • Born Date: 1974

  • Switzerland

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